Author Topic: New guy on the forum  (Read 10317 times)


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New guy on the forum
« on: June 16, 2015, 08:34:16 PM »
Hello everyone.  Richard here.  I have been into microcars for years, and I have owned 3 Trabants and almost owned a Fiat 500. I still own one of the Trabants, which I enjoy driving around Dallas.  I lived in the Czech Republic for 10 years, and I brought the Trabant back with me in 2013.  Being 6' 2", people think I am crazy for liking such small vehicles, but I am hooked.  Soon I will sadly sell the Trabant, as I no longer have a place to store it.  I can help people with learning about importing cars from Europe, and of course any technical or historical help for Trabants.