Microcars For Sale/Wanted > Microcars FOR SALE

CL: Goggomobi T400 body for sale in Oakdale CA $500


from California Craigslist:

from the ad:

--- Quote ---1950's micro car. Gogomoblile got absorbed by BMW ahortly after this car was produced.
The steering is intact, as is most of the glass. Suicide doors. Engine and trans are missing.
I think a mid 80's honda TRX 400 would power this nicely as they came with a reverse gear.
--- End quote ---

This car was just posted on ebay.
I was too late contacting the original seller.
Damn it!

This car is on my wish list.

I have FIGO Lloyd 250cc Goggomobil Microcar Engine 4 speed if you know of anybody looking for one.....
Its listed on eBay


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