Author Topic: Help on proper lowering and storing top 1957 Messerschmitt KR200 Kabrio  (Read 9887 times)

Tube Guy

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Hi folks

I have a KR200 Kabrio and I don't see pictures of the proper way to lower the top where it looks good without buying a cover for it.  There are two removable support struts towards the front, and I don't know if they stay in or what. 

I just got it and want to take it out today for a drive, so any input would be great! 

Also, if you have information on the storage covers for the top perhaps I'll buy one and just leave the top down. 


Jim Janecek

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This is what the KR200 cabrio looks like with the top folded back and a cover on it.
The person that restored this car sometimes stops in here, he may have more info about that cover. I think he had it made.
As for proper folding, I'll look for more pics of other cars and see what I can dig up.

Jim Janecek

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here is someone else rolling it and then using a strap to tie it off. This pic is from Germany.