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Isetta 300 Bubble Window Cabrio Z Trim MishMash


Ideal Classic Cars in Venice, FL has a pretty blue car as above, but it doesn't take long to figure out that somethin' ain't right. For the right price it would be a fun plaything, but it's obviously an "assemblage."   I'm still looking for a good bubble window (not necessarily a cabrio) , if anyone has any leads.

Jim Janecek:

yeah that vehicle was sold on eBay in January for about $21K by the family of the owner (deceased).
The owner was a club member who owned the car for many years, but it was apparently a very early bubble window body placed onto a later sliding window-style chassis.  I have a pic he sent me more than a decade ago when he was trying to figure out why it was so odd.

The problem is that eBay is now the go-to place for Isettas to be sold and many of those end up being purchased by Dealers.
They are then listed as above, or they go to a live auction like Barrett-Jackson.

There is a nice one in California for $36K that no one has jumped on, probably because it is ALL BLACK.  Nicely done, but that's what happens when you personalize something too much.


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