Microcars For Sale/Wanted > Microcars FOR SALE

1949 FIAT Topolino C, 1955 Messerschmitt, 1957 BMW 600 Truck for sale

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Nice collection of cars.  I am a Topolino owner and I know outside the USA they don't follow model year but rather date of manufacture. But a 1949 Topolino is a 500B.  But your car does appear to be the body style of a 500C.  So given that, in the USA that would make it a 1950 model year car.  Which in the Topolino world does make a difference.  Up to 1948 they were 500A and '49 was a 1 year  car as they changed from the old motor (500A) to the new motor (same as 500C) but retained the body of the pre. 1948's or the 500A's

So in short, 49 was a transition year, old body new motor. 1950 started new motor new body.

Iowa Mike

Regarding the Topolino.  I would appreciate more photos.  Please post or send to pzschaechner@new.rr.com
Thanks, Paul


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